20 avenue des Buttes de Coësmes - CS 70839
35708 Rennes Cedex 7
Membre du laboratoire IRMAR http://irmar.univ-rennes1.fr/ (UMR 6625)
Membre du Département de Mathématiques : Bâtiment 2 - 3ème étage - Bureau 305
Three models of non-periodic fibrous materials obtained by homogenization, M2AN, Mod. Math. Ana. Num., 27(6) (1993), 759-775.
Homogenization of a non-periodic material, J. Math. Pures Appl.,73 (1994), 47-66.
Corrector for the homogenization of a laminate, Advances Mat. Sci. Appl., 4 (2) (1994), 357-379.
H-convergence for perforated domains, with A. Damlamian & P. Donato, in Nonlinear Par. Dif. Equ. & App., Collège de France Seminar XIII, D. Cioranescu & J.L. Lions eds., Pitman Res. Notes in Math. Ser., Longman, New York, 391 (1998), 62-100.
Multiscale convergence and reiterated homogenisation, with G. Allaire, Proc. Royal Soc. Edin., 126A (1996), 297-342.
Homogenization of some weakly connected materials, Ricerche di Matematica, 47 (1) (1998), 51-94.
Homogenization of perforated laminates, Applicable Analysis, 67 (1997), 21-57.
The Poincaré-Wirtinger inequality for the homogenization in perforated domains, Boll. Uni. Mate. Ital., 11-B (7) (1997), 53-82.
Homogenization of the torsion problem and the Neumann problem in non-regular periodically perforated domains, M3AS, 7 (6) (1997), 847-870.
Homogenization of two randomly weakly connected materials, with L. Mazliak, Portugaliae Mathematica,55 (2) (1998), 187-207.
Convergence of the spectrum of a weakly connected domain, Ann. Mate. Pura Appl., 177 (4) (1999), 1-35.
Optimal conditions of convergence and effects of anisotropy in the homogenization of non-uniformly elliptic problems, Asymptotic Analysis, 25 (2001), 271-297.
Increase of dimension by homogenization, Potential Analysis, 14 (3) (2001), 233-268.
Homogenization of a class of non-uniformly elliptic monotone operators, Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A., 48 (2002), 137-158.
Non-Markovian quadratic forms obtained by homogenization, Boll. Uni. Mate. Ital. 6-B (8) (2003), 323-337.
Homogenization of non-uniformly bounded operators, Arch. Rat. Mech. Ana., 164 (2002), 73-101.
Fibered microstructures for some nonlocal Dirichlet forms,, with N. Tchou, Ann. Scu. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci, 30 (4) (2001), 681-711.
Homogenization in general periodically perforated domains by a spectral approach, Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Equa., 15 (2002), 1-24.
Boundary effects in fibered reinforced media, with N. Tchou, C.R.A.S. Paris, 333 Série I (2001), 173-177.
A new approach for the homogenization of high-conductivity periodic problems. Application to a general distribution of one directional fibers, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 35 (1) (2003), 33-60.
Is it wise to keep laminating ?, with V. Nesi, ESAIM: Con. Opt. Cal. Var., 10 (2004), 452-477.
Homogenization of the Stokes equations with high-contrast viscosity, J. Math. Pures Appl., 82 (7) (2003), 843-876.
Change of sign of the corrector's determinant for homogenization in three-dimensional conductivity, with G.W. Milton & V. Nesi, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 173 (1) (2004), 133-150.
Variations on a strange semi-continuity result, with F. Murat & G. Mokobodzki, J. Func. Anal., 227 (1) (2005), 78-112.
Lack of compactness in the two-scale convergence, with J. Casado-Díaz, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 37 (2) (2005), 333-346.
Nonlocal effects in two-dimensional conductivity, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 182 (2) (2006), 255-267.
Homogenization of nonlinear variationals problems with low-conductivity thin regions, with A. Braides, Appl. Math. Opt., 55 (1) (2007), 1-29.
Expansion formulas of the homogenized determinant for anisotropic checkerboards, with Y. Capdeboscq, Proc. Royal Soc. London A, 462 (2073) (2006), 2759-2779.
On cloaking for elasticity and physical equations with a transformation invariant form", with G.W. Milton & J.R. Willis, New J. Physics, 8 (2006), 248.
Two-dimensional div-curl results. Application to the lack of nonlocal effects in homogenization, with J. Casado-Díaz, Com. Part. Diff. Equa., 32 (2007), 935-969.
Asymptotic behaviour of equicoercive diffusion energies in two dimension, with J. Casado-Díaz, Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Equa., 29 (4) (2007), 455-479.
Distributional convergence of null Lagrangians under very mild conditions, with V. Nesi, Dis. Cont. Dyn. Syst. B, 8 (2) (2007), 493-510.
Homogenization of two-dimensional elasticity problems with very stiff coefficients, with M. Camar-Eddine, J. Math. Pures Appl., 88 (2007), 483-505.
Semi-strong convergence of sequences satisfying a variational inequality, with F. Murat & G. Mokobodzki, Annales IHP, Ana. Non Lin., 25 (1) (2008), 121-133.
Homogenization of the two-dimensional Hall effect, with D. Manceau & G.W. Milton, J. Math. Ana. App., 339 (2008), 1468-1484.
Duality results in the homogenization of two-dimensional high-contrast conductivities, with D. Manceau, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 3 (3) (2008), 509-522.
Compactness of sequences of two-dimensional energies with a zero-order term. Application to three-dimensional nonlocal effects, with J. Casado-Díaz, Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Equa., 33 (2008), 463-492.
Uniform convergence of sequences of solutions of two-dimensional linear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficients, with J. Casado-Díaz, J. Diff. Equa., 245 (2008), 2038-2054.
Homogenization of the three-dimensional Hall effect and change of sign of the Hall coefficient, with G.W. Milton, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 193 (3) (2009), 715-736.
The div-curl lemma "trente ans après": an extension and an application to the G-convergence of unbounded monotone operators, with J. Casado-Díaz & F. Murat, J. Math. Pures Appl., 91 (2009), 476-494.
Giant Hall effect in composites, with G.W. Milton, Multiscale Model. Simul., 7 (3) (2009), 1405-1427.
Homogenization of non-uniformly bounded periodic diffusion energies in dimension two, with A. Braides & J. Casado-Díaz, Nonlinearity, 22 (2009), 1459-1480.
An antisymmetric effective Hall matrix, with G.W. Milton, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 70 (6) (2010), 1810-1820.
Homogenization of the magneto-resistance in dimension two, M3AS, Math. Mod. Met. Appl. Sci., 20 (7) (2010), 1161-1177.
New bounds on strong field magneto-transport in multiphase columnar composites, with G.W. Milton, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 70 (8) (2010), 3272-3286.
Estimate of the pressure when its gradient is the divergence of a measure. Applications., with J. Casado-Díaz , ESAIM COCV, 17 (2011), 1066–1087.
Bounds on strong field magneto-transport in three-dimensional composites, with G.W. Milton, J. Math. Phys., 52 103705 (2011), pp. 18.
A drift homogenization problem revisited, with P. Gérard, Ann. Scu. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci, 11 (5) (2012), 1-39.
An optimal condition of compactness for elasticity problems involving one directional reinforcement, with M. Camar-Eddine, J. Elasticity, 107 (2012), 11-38.
Homogenization of high-contrast two-phase conductivities perturbed by a magnetic field. Comparison between dimension two and dimension three, with L. Pater, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 393 (2) (2012), 563-589.
Homogenization of stiff plates and two-dimensional high-viscosity Stokes equations, with J. Casado-Díaz, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 205 (3) (2012), 753-794.
Homogenization with an oscillating drift: from L^2-bounded to unbounded drifts, 2d compactness results and 3d nonlocal effects, Ann. Mate. Pura Appl., 192 (5) (2013), 853-878.
Interior regularity estimates in high conductivity homogenization and application, with Y. Capdeboscq & L. Nguyen, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 207 (1) (2013), 75-137.
Homogenization of convex functionals which are weakly coercive and not equibounded from above, with J. Casado-Díaz, Ann. I.H.P. (C) Non Lin. Anal., 30 (4) (2013), 547-571.
Which electric fields are realizable in conducting materials?, with G.W. Milton & A. Treibergs, ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 48 (2) (2014), 307-323.
Magneto-resistance in three-dimensional composites, with L. Pater, Asymptotic Analysis, 86 (2014), 165-197.
Isotropic realizability of electric fields around critical points, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. B, 19 (2) (2014), 353-372.
First Bloch eigenvalue in high contrast media, with M. Vanninathan, J. Math. Physics, 55, 011501 (2014), pp. 15.
Homogenization of systems with equi-integrable coefficients, with J. Casado-Díaz, ESAIM COCV, 20 (04) (2014), 1214-1223.
Loss of ellipticity through homogenization in linear elasticity, with G. Francfort, M3AS, Math. Mod. Met. Appl. Sci., 25 (5) (2015), 905-928.
Isotropic realizability of current fields in R^3, with G.W. Milton, SIAM J. App. Dyn. Sys., 14 (2) (2015), 1165-1188.
A class of second-order linear elliptic equations with drift: renormalized solutions, uniqueness and homogenization, with J. Casado-Díaz, Potential Analysis, 43 (3) (2015), 399-413.
A new div-curl result. Applications to the homogenization of elliptic systems and to the weak continuity of the Jacobian, with J. Casado-Díaz, J. Diff. Equa., 260 (7) (2016), 5678-5725.
Isotropic realizability of a strain field for the two-dimensional incompressible elasticity system, Inverse Problems, 32 (6) (2016), 065002, 22 pp.
A comparison between two-scale asymptotic expansions and Bloch wave expansions for the homogenization of periodic structures, with G. Allaire & M. Vanninathan, SeMA Journal, 73 (3) (2016), 237-259.
On the possible effective elasticity tensors of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional printed materials, with D. Harutyunyan & G. Milton, Math. Mech. Com. Sys., 5 (1) (2017), 41-94.
Towards a complete characterization of the effective elasticity tensors of mixtures of an elastic phase and an almost rigid phase, with D. Harutyunyan & G. Milton, Math. Mech. Com. Sys., 5 (1) (2017), 95-113.
Gamma-convergence of equi-coercive nonlinear energies defined on vector-valued functions, with non-uniformly bounded coefficients, with J. Casado-Díaz, M. Luna-Laynez & A. Pallares-Martín, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 151 (2017), 187-207.
Homogenization of weakly coercive integral functionals in three-dimensional linear elasticity, with A. Pallares-Martín, J. École Polytechnique - Mathématiques, 4 (2017), 483-514.
Surprises Regarding the Hall Effect: An Extraordinary Story Involving an Artist, Mathematicians, and Physicists, with M. Kadic, C. Kern, G. Milton, M. Wegener & D. Whyte, SIAM News, Dec. 2017.
Reconstruction of isotropic conductivities from non smooth gradient fields, ESAIM: Math. Mod. Num. Ana., 52 (3) (2018), 1173-1193.
A two-dimensional labile aether through homogenization, with G. Francfort, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 367 (2) (2019), 599-628.
Isotropic realizability of fields and reconstruction of invariant measures under positivity properties. Asymptotics of the flow by a non-ergodic approach, SIAM J. App. Dyn. Sys., 18 (4) (2019), 1846-1866.
Homogenization of linear transport equations. A new approach. J. École Polytechnique - Mathématiques, 7 (2020), 479-495.
Homogenization of an elastodynamic system with a strong magnetic field and soft inclusions inducing a viscoelastic effective behavior, with J. Casado-Díaz, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 492 (2) (2020), 124472.
Increase of mass and nonlocal effects in the homogenization of magneto-elastodynamics problems, with J. Casado-Díaz, Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Equa., 60:163 (2021), pp. 36.
A picture of the ODE's flow in the torus: from everywhere or almost-everywhere asymptotics to homogenization of transport equations, with L. Hervé, J. Diff. Equa., 304 (2021), 165-190.
Asymptotics of ODE's flow on the torus through a singleton condition and a perturbation result. Applications, with L. Hervé, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst., 42 (7) (2022), 3431-3463.
Fine asymptotic expansion of the ODE's flow, with L. Hervé, J. Diff. Equa., 373 (2023), 327–358.
Specific properties of the ODE's flow in dimension two versus dimension three, with L. Hervé, J. Dyn. Diff. Equa., 36 (2024), 421-461.
Around the asymptotic properties of a two-dimensional parametrized Euler flow, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst., 44, (7) (2024), 1864-1877.
Two-dimensional Jacobians det and Det for bounded variation functions and applications, with J. Casado-Díaz, to appear in Rev. Mat. Complutense.
A new divergence-curl result for measures. Application to the two-dimensional ODE's flow, with J. Casado-Díaz, to appear in SIAM J. Math. Anal.